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Sound Royalties Keeps You in the Black While Your Music Goes for Gold

Royalty streams are the lifeblood of any artist, songwriter or producer. But sometimes, those checks can be delayed or lack the funds to fuel creativity and drive continued success. The Sound Royalties solution puts cash in your pocket quickly, with royalty financing options that are tailored to your specific needs. Best of all, we never put your copyrights at risk.

Your Music, Your Copyrights

You keep your copyrights, always. We tap music royalty finance streams and offer flexible terms and pricing for music catalog sales support. Together, we create custom solutions that meet your needs.

You Control the Pricing

We offer multiple pricing options, so you can choose the best royalty financing solution to suit your needs. Custom-tailored for you, because one size does not fit all. That's how we compare to other industry alternatives.

Modern Day Money

Our royalty advances are based on your music, not your personal financial history. No personal guarantees, non-credit based. From cash advances, to income forecasting, to bridge financing, we do it all!

Deep Expertise

The Sound Royalties team is comprised of industry and financial service experts committed to helping music creatives realize their dreams. Our in-depth understanding of music royalty funds gives you peace of mind when doing business with us.