Sound Royalties has been a resource for the music industry for 10 years, advancing money to artists, songwriters, producers and other entities against their royalty income streams. And if there is one message that the company consistently emphasizes, it’s that Sound Royalties doesn’t use clients’ music rights as collateral, so it can never secure ownership of those rights.
In Sound Royalties’ parlance, instead of loans, the company primarily provides advances, and recipients of those funds are collectively referred to as “creatives.”
Sound Royalties also makes clear that it doesn’t charge interest; instead, advances come with fixed fees expressed in dollars. The company also doesn’t charge late fees, and a client’s credit rating doesn’t factor into any deals because the advance is repaid from one or more of a client’s income streams.
Contrary to standard music industry practice, Sound Royalties doesn’t require 100% recoupment from the income streams until the advance is fully paid off.