
Jul 07, 2020
Between the Notes with Angela Hunte
“Dedication” seems to be the focal point of success for GRAMMY- award winning singer-songwriter, Angela Hunte. Angela is a true inspiration whose perseverance accounts for some of the biggest hits we love! Listen in as she explains her goals and dreams that shaped her into the accomplished creative she is today.
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Jul 01, 2020
What is Sound Royalties? Sound Check with Alex Heiche
Ever wonder what exactly it is that we do here at Sound Royalties? Ever wonder what makes us so unique and different than ANY other music royalty financing company? Watch this video to see it broken down into 3 KEY financial principles, as told by our CEO & Founder, Alex Heiche. Learn <a href="">how we compare</a> to other industry alternatives.
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Jun 10, 2020
Green Room Sessions with La Melodia Perfecta (feat. Frank Santofimio)
¿Alguna vez quisiste una mirada exclusiva de el proceso creativo detrás de escribir una canción exitosa? Escucha mientras la sensación del pop latino La Melodia Perfecta nos cuenta sobre cómo escribieron su éxito "Vainas del Amor", con el productor ganador del GRAMMY Frank Santofimio. Échale un vistazo a nuestro último Green Room Sessions.
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Jun 09, 2020
Off-Stage with Donna Ross
Introducing our newest video series, ‘Off-Stage’ featuring exclusive insider tips and stories from all types of music industry execs. Check out our first episode with the President of Transition Music, Donna Ross-Jones.
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Abr 15, 2020
Cómo Hacer tu Propia Mascarilla Sin Costuras
Como somos una communidad de creativos, hemos reconocido que esencialmente podemos transformar cualquier cosa a algo diferente. Revisa nuestro nuevo tutorial sobre como convertir tu Sound Royalties pañuelo a una mascara!
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Mar 16, 2020
Zero-Cost Funding Program
A message from our CEO Alex Heiche: With the recent tornado in Nashville and impact of COVID-19, we are showing our support to those effected in the music industry by funding up to $20 million dollars in zero-cost royalty advances. Call us at 844-4ALL-MUSIC to speak with one of our Royalty Specialists for more information.
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Mar 05, 2020
Between the Notes with Melodia Perfecta
Latin duo Gabo and Gio of La Melodia Perfecta are taking the latin music scene by storm! We sat down with these talented brothers while they dove into topics like the rise of their success and how music has changed their lives forever. Be on the lookout for these 2017 Pepsi Artists of the Year!
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Ene 16, 2020
Between the Notes with Kamaal Malak
Multi-talented bassist, songwriter, and producer Kamaal Malak, came into the “funky rock” scene and added a new element of vitality to the Atlanta-based hip-hop group, Arrested Development. Enjoy Kamaal’s breakthrough story in our latest Between The Notes.
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Dic 18, 2019
Between the Notes with Ice Billion Berg
Ice Billion Berg turned his experiences into inspiration, producing lyrics and melodies that relate directly to the South Florida lifestyle he's always known. Expect to see this multi-talented creative on the charts for years to come and enjoy our latest Between The Notes.
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Nov 29, 2019
Between the Notes with Jerry Wonda of The Fugees
We are proud to present the first episode of Sound Royalties, “Between the Notes”, featuring Grammy winning mega-producer and FUGEES hit maker, Jerry Wonda! Check out a new episode every Friday, for insight and inspiration, from top name songwriters, producers, musicians and leading industry insiders.
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